
Welcome and Hope you enjoy reading about this CrAzY and wEiRd family and learn a few things as well.....=)

Monday, August 27, 2012

This Weeks Updates 2012-Week 34

Week 34 Updates....

August 19-25

4QT Jars of Jelly and 6 PT Jars of Peppers.
White lid is the one that went in the fridge.
Well, got up normal time as always, today, well tonight I am turning a new leaf because I am going to bed early and start working myself to get up earlier everyday until I have to be up at 7am to get Aiden ready for School. School starts here on the 4th of Sept. and if he starts (haven't got word yet) then I need to get up in time for him to eat breakfast, get him ready for school and drop him at his classroom but I have to prepare for that. Well, I started cleaning the house a little more today because I have been slacking in this department. I feel like I have some much on the plate, its unreal. School and Soccer haven't even started yet. Plus, I needed to clean the counters off in hopes that the counter guy was coming tomorrow. Well, I had cleaned off the counters and every time I turned around there was a damn baby spider here and there, they were everywhere. I found baby spiders in the corners of the counter tops, behind my appliances, on top of the fridge, in a couple of bowls in the cabinet, pretty much you name the place they were there. Every time I found one it would just piss me off even more because I hate them so bad, I believe I have a phobia of them because I can feel my blood pressure spike sky high, I scream and run, and I feel like I have an anxiety attack, especially when I see the bigger ones. But the hubs is not here to help kill them, SO, I have to put on my big girl panties and kill them even though I want to scream, run and hide from them. I also think the hubs don't like them either but he is not as bad as me either when it comes to seeing one. Well, anyways, I decided that I need to Can some jelly for the kids because they were running low, now normal the hubs is here to help, so I had to do the canning stuff by myself. Which I think I did a great job on. I filled 4 Quirt jars of Jelly and canned 3 Quirt jars because the 4th one wasn't filled all the way up. So, that one went to the fridge to be eaten right away. I, also, canned 4 pint size jars of pickled peppers because the peppers one went bad and the others we were not eating them right away, SO, I didn't want them going bad as well. Well, I thought I was just going to run into baby spiders, NO, as I was cleaning up my mess and did a load of dishes. I was putting the jars away in a box I had by the garage door. I moved the box a little and saw what I thought was a dead spider until I pick something up to touch it with and it moved a little. I, SO, wanted to scream but thank my lucky stars that the big barrier was sitting next to the door. I sprayed the hell out of it and kept thinking, "DIE, BITCH, DIE!" So, what I decided to do was spray down the trim that is not really placed well and I guess when the painters came to paint the house, well, the paint kinda shrunk a little and you can tell by looking at it. Well, as I was spraying the trim out of the corner of the wall another medium size spider comes crawling out of this hole and I am little its your day to DIE, too! The pest control person didn't spray in this area where its like and entryway into the kitchen and laundry room, she also didn't spray the laundry room or pantry either. So, I decided to spray in the laundry room as well and low and behold anther effing spider behind the door. It saw me, as was going for up to spray it and ran back into it little whole in the wall. So, I sprayed the shit out of it, had to make sure that I got it and it didn't come back out. So, I also sprayed in the pantry trim  and low and behold another fucking spider just crawling across the trim, WTF is going on in my house. Did housing just let this house sit or did the previous tenants never home or something because this is getting ridiculous. Well, I tried to go to bed earlier it didnt work tonight maybe tomorrow night.

This is my younger sister and
this is her baby's towel.
Front side
Back side
 Woke up like I always do, late. Got a phone call from the counter top people and so they are coming Wednesday to change out the counters. YEAH! The hubs made it to his distination in one piece, YEAH!, but he has duty today, SO, no liberty for him today and no skype or facetime with us, BOO. He did call which is always great, I may not get to see him everyday but I at least to get to hear his voice. Which I get all excited for, so, either way who cares right as long as you get to hear from your spouse one way or another, right! Well, the hubs promises to Skype with us tomorrow. YEAH!, excited. So, what do I wear? Oh, just joking, hahaha. See, with my hubs I don't have to get all dolled up for a Skype date, as long as he gets to see me that's great for him and the same goes for me. Now, that being said, If I had to Skype date with my hubs and if I looked like I have been crying all day, or even if I look depressed or sad, I would have to pull myself together and hide all that. I will brush my hair and all that good stuff but I wont put makeup on unless my hubs asks me to then I would. Now, I have heard of wives, girlfriends, and even fiances that do get all dolled up for Skype date, to each there own. I have been working on Plastic Canvas Magnets and worked on my oldest son name so I can put it up on his bedroom door. I will be working on youngest name as well. So, I sent pictures to the hubs to show him what I have done, He liked them. Then asked me if I could make him one, I was like sure. So, I am in the process of getting it done the way it looks neat. So, I have been doing a lot of research on how to make a hooded baby towel because someone made one for my younger sister one for her son and I believe I can make for one of my own. So, I asked my mother to send me pictures of the towel so I can figure it out and she did. Plus, I have a really good friend who just found out she is pregnant again and I would like to make this for her baby. I didn't think to make anything for her the first time around, SO, this time I am going to make this for her as my baby gift to her. Plus, if I ever have another little one then I will make one for my baby, one day. Now, when I make this hooded baby bath towel, I will do a tutorial on it, so that way other people can make there own. So, today has been a good day got to hear from the hubs but a bad day for the house, NO cleaning done what so ever. Well, I did pick up after their meals and change dirty pull-ups and put them in the trash, buts that about it. The kids did video messages to their daddy. Been still trying to figure out what to send the hubs in his care package and also I want to dress the box up, as well. Which I think will look cool, I plan on getting all the stuff come the first. 
This is the towel I would like to make. 

These are some up close pics of the hooded baby towel.
This is Aiden name plate I
made for his bedroom door.

Well, woke up same time as yesterday, late, that's it I am going back on my insomnia pills because this not just effect me if effecting my kids as well. So, I have put my foot I am going to bed earlier after the hubs calls, text and/or Skype with me tonight. Well, today is a BAD day for me. Where do I begin? Oh, well, here what happened the kids got up ate brunch, then laid them down for there naps and after there naps, OMG, they were all over the place and getting into stuff that isn't theirs. They were jumping from couch to couch, Aiden kept jump from his table to the couch and then walking across it. It was like I punch them and they retaliate and get into more stuff. Some how they got a hold of the temperature thingy that tells me what the temp is inside and outside of the house, plus it shows you like what kinda clothes to wear for the temp, which is pretty cool. Yeah, that was in piece meaning the batteries where on the floor somewhere, the back was off and under the kitchen table, and the little metal piece that connects the batteries together was somewhere as well. Apron was on the kitchen floor, I could go on. Not a normal day in this house, that's for sure. Well, the hubs called and I let him talk to the kids while I start cooking there dinner. Mind you the hubs was talking to the kids when I told them that they were grounded from their IPads because they were destroying my house  and they were running around the house with their heads cut off saying " Rrooooaaarrr, I am going to get you!", "There's a scary ghost!", or "I am a scary ghost!" at each other and then they would come up to me and try and hide while talking to daddy and me trying to cook. So, it was starting to annoy the hubs because every time he talks to the kids he can barely understand them because there is always some kind of noise in the back ground. So, I had to explain it to him that no matter what there is always going to be other noise in the background because I know when I am on the phone with other people and its when they are up, my kids are right there making all kinds a noise. Mind you, the hubs and I have been talking to each other almost all day on the phone, meaning here and there, because the hubs didn't bring his laptop with him and today was the first day he got liberty since arriving to his destination. Plus, he said it was raining so that's the reason he didn't bring it with him. Okay. Well, he also said he needed to go to the NEX for stuff he needed for his rack. Okay. Then he said he was going to the bar after the NEX to have a pitcher of beer with two other guys. Okay, not a problem, I understand, he needs to unwind for being stuck on a ship for a long period of time. Been there, done that. He also said that he was going to go to the liberty center to Skype with me and also to charge his phone.  Okay, sounds great, right. Well, to make a long story short, I ended up calling him around 10:30pm because I wanted to go bed and I knew that he was a little more than tipsy. Even though he admitted to having more then a pitcher of beer with his buddies. He didn't even Skype with me or anything just called, but I wanted to see him and he was being an ass to me. I was talking calmly to him, I didn't raise my voice or anything, AND, he some how knew I was upset with him. So, I explained how I felt, I was hurt by how he just dumped me for his boys. I felt like I didn't matter to him, or that I was to UGLY for him to look at me on Skype. He was drinking and people do, do stupid shit, like forgetting to Skype with there wife. So, the conversation wasn't over but he needed to get to bed because he had to work in the morning. SO, we will see how tomorrow goes. Went to bed, hurt and upset. Plus, counter top people were coming tomorrow had to be up before 10am.

I actually woke up pretty early for me 9:30am. A lot better then yesterday. So, got the kids up fed them breakfast, let them watch The Busy World of Richard Scarry, which they love this show right now. I got a knock on the door a little after 10am, it was the counter top guy, he came all the way to my house just to tell me that they made a mistake and that my counters weren't ready, yet. So, he leaves and I close the door behind him and I just stand there thinking "Why didn't he just call, instead of driving all the way over here?". Well, it looks like I wasted my time cleaning off my counters and still cant use my kitchen table until the install the new counters, it would be a waste of time to put it all back and then have to turn around and clear it off again. So, I have no clue as when I going to get my counters, BOO. A thought came to me last night, that I am going to do a post on what I have learned through this first underway/deployment piece. I will make a list what I have learned and then at the end of this underway/deployment I will post it up, its not a do or don't because every branch of the military,underway/deployment, and commands are different, meaning some spouses are gone for a few weeks to a year. So, right now I am just taking notes. Well, I am still a little upset about last night because things had to end quickly instead of resolving the issue. Well, when the hubs got off work he actually went to the liberty center and finally got on Skype, this time he brought his computer. So, started Skpying and talking to the kids but they ready didn't know how to just sit there and talk to daddy. So, when it came time for my turn I didn't want to Skype with at that moment and ended up talking to him on the phone privately.The hubs still knew how I felt and he some how figured it out. That is how well my husband knows me.  Its understandable that both spouses are stressed and lonely, but there is no need to take it out on each other. Its great to voice your opinions to each other. Once, we talked it out everything was back to normal. So, in the end we made up, I really can't stay  being mad at him for along period of time. Plus, he has this way of making me smile every time I do get upset at him and that's one of the many reasons I love him. So, the night ended on a good note, the boys did a video message to daddy. I did my video messages to him and we were texting each other all night until he went to bed. I stayed up a little longer just to clean up a bit.

Woke up at like 9:45am this morning, I think the sleeping mask is a big help to me getting to sleep early. Well, I am slowly working my way to 7am. The hubs talked to me all day which made my day. Well, fed the kids breakfast, they watched a few episodes of The Busy World of Richard Scarry. They ate lunch and then down for there naps, just a normal day in this household. Well, until we had to get ready to go to Aiden's Parent and Coaching Soccer meeting tonight at 6pm-8pm. Then I had to head out to Walmart afterwards because we needed milk, bread, and a few other things that the kids cant live without. Well, I got the kids in the car and headed over to the Youth Center on Base, got the kids inside and that is when all HELL broke lose. They were all over the place. The coach final let us into the theater and we took our seat, I pulled out the IPads thinking that this would calm down, fat chance. I felt sorry for the people in front of us because they couldn't hear what he was saying but even if my kids were being loud, you still really could hear him. Liam had to set on my lap, Aiden had to jump from seat to seat keep saying it was tickling him and he keep make loud noises with him mouth on him arm and laughing really loudly. I tried to calm him down but he wasn't having it. Liam said he had to go to the bathroom and I was like hold on because I know that was code for I want to get up and run around. See when my youngest uses the bathroom in public I will take him but the second I sit him the toilet he says all done and he didn't even try. So, thank my lucky stars I told them we are going home and the lady in front of us said that she would take down the info for me and email it to me, I told her thank you for doing this for me. That was one less headache for me to deal with. Taking my kids out in public is asking for trouble...LOL. We were only in the meeting for 30 mins until I had to leave. So, I decided to since we got out of there early we had to stop be Walmart for the stuff I needed. Yeah well that didn't go to good either. We got one of those carts with the grey two setters and attached cart in the front, yeah well the kids were getting out of it, and they kept asking for a toys. I told them they haven't been good for a toy SO no toy today. Plus, I only wanted to go in and get what we need to then get home it was already pass the dinner time and bedtime by the time we got home. So, they ate a late dinner and then they talked to daddy on Skype. The weird part is Aiden kept saying he was tired, but wouldn't head to his room. Liam on the other hand said he was tired and when I went to bring up his chocolate milk he has every night, he was lying in bed with he IPad watch his show and just waiting for mommy to bring up his cup. Which was so great because the kids went down like angels. Me, I stayed up a little longer just to talk, text and Skype with the hubs. Then my ass was off to bed. 

This is the first one I did.
These our the other two.
He likes the one at the bottom.
Well, woke up at 9:30am its still a working progress. Found out last night that Aidens first soccer practice is on the 4th of Sept and some games will start as early as 8 in the morning. He is on the Ireland team for 4 years old, First game on the 15th of Sept., pictures will be on the 29th and he has practice every Tuesday at 6pm. So, my schedule is starting to get busy busy busy. Talked to the hubby today, he told me on Tuesday he moved all his stuff to the Barge and that the ship is going into dry dock for the time that they are there. I need to find a good cleaning schedule because I am feeling overwhelmed with all the stuff that needs to be put in its home, one thing I dislike about the military is I have to uproot my whole house and then I have to reorganize it and I can never figure out how I want it until we have to move again. which sucks. Finish a couple of plastic canvas name plates for the hubs but I asked him what colors he wanted and he said he wanted black lettering and Navy blue background I told him really cant do dark on dark you wouldn't be able to see the letters. So, I did one like he asked and I did one with blue lettering and black background, which turn out perfectly, in my opinion. I asked him what he wanted in his care package from us. I know he can get most of the snacks there but I want to send him other things as well because they may not carry wheres his at. The hubs talked on the phone today because he didn't know what time he was getting off the ship since they just moved to dry dock today. He talked to the boys, but they have short attention spans. My left big toe was hurting today as well, I think I am getting an ingrown toenail, OUCH, it does hurt a lot. I have two kids who don't look where they are stepping and keep stepping on that toe. Talked to the hubs until he went to bed. I did a couple loads a laundry, two loads of dishes, started picking up the living room and clean up the kitchen a little bit. Then I was off to bed.

Aiden talking to Daddy.
Liam talking to Daddy.
Woke up early, like 8:45am, see I am getting there. I thought I woke up the hubs with my text, nope, that turd was already awake. Got the kids up, fed them breakfast, they watched the same tv series from yesterday but different episodes. Liam really loves them, every time I turn the TV on Liam goes I want to watch that one mommy, as he is pointing at the show The Busy World of Richard Scarry.  Everyday is and exciting day for me, I get to Skype with the hubs tonight one on one, without the kids, finally. The hubs went to the liberty center and stayed there all day, just to talk, text and Skype with us throughout the day. The kids had a better time Skpying with daddy today because they got to wear my headphones with also made it better for the hubs as well. They paid more attention to what daddy was saying with the headphones on. They even took turns. So, today started out as a great day and ended as a good day. So, the hubs wanted to get beck to the barge by catching the 10pm liberty bus, well, when him and some of the guys he works with arrived they waited until 15 minutes after 10pm and still no bus. So, thankful, one of the guys he works with know a friend in housing there and they all walked to his buddies house and the crashed there. The hubs was texting me all night, and we was been sociable as well because he was a guest in there house. Well, he got a little tipsy,again. And that worried me because I don't know them, the people house crashed at. so, yeah it worried me a little. It was like a bored Saturday for me, I already did some house work, the hubs was home, the kids were in bed sleeping, and I had already watched all of our shows that we watch together. SO, ya kinda bored. So, I didn't go to bed until 3 in the morning. So, ya it was a late night.

Well, toddles until next week updates. 

P.S. Babe, if you are reading this, then I just want to say "We Love you and Miss you like CrAzY, so when you get a chance give us a call, email, text, whatever and we will be here when you get back. Have a safe trip there and back home, Love ya, Boo Boo!".

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

This Weeks Updates 2012-Week 33

Week 33 Updates....

August 12-18

Note: Just as a heads up....I will try and do more but here lately its been difficult, like I just don't want to do anything right now for reasons which will be pretty much explained in this weeks update. But I will try and do a little better, its just I have been a little down.

   Well, we spent time with the hubby before we had to take him the ship. Which SUCKED but he had to go. I had the hubs do a couple of things before he had to leave, like make sure all the trash out because Monday is our trash day and he usually makes sure all the trash is taken out the night before. He cleaned the Litter Box because also was his chore to do and I feed and make sure the cats have water. I told him to get the Halloween containers out because we don't know if he will be back for Halloween but I wanted them out just in case. Plus, I really don't like going into our shed UNLESS I have too. SPIDERS....eeeeekkkk!...LOL. I just sit here and think that he won't be home for Aiden's First Day of School (that's if he gets in this year....hopefully....fingers-crossed), our 4 year Wedding Anniversary, Aiden's first soccer game, Halloween, Labor Day, and any other Holiday I missed, he is going to miss. After, the hubby and I took one last shower together before he left. While, he was getting ready and spraying on his cologne, I had asked to hug his pillow so that way it left his scent behind on his pillow. So, when I hug the pillow at bed time it will remind me of him. Well, he turns around and does just that but also bring his bottle of cologne with him and starts spraying it as well. He says the scent will last longer....LOL. Well, we drop him off at the ship gave our hugs, kisses and told we will be here when he gets back. Liam he just sat there in his car seat as if daddy wasn't leaving, didn't cry but I dont think he really understands whats going on either. Aiden on the other hand cried more then me but I have been crying off and on before we dropped him and during the week. Aiden full-blown, "I want daddy!", "I want to go to the ship with daddy!","I want daddy to kiss my boo boo!" this is what I heard all the way home. I told him that "daddy will be back but he is just going away for a little while and mommies going to miss him too." I started to cry a little bit seeing how hurt and heart-broken Aiden was. I wanted my hubby too. I even told Aiden that I would kiss his boo boo for daddy. Then he would turn around and say "NO! I want daddy to kiss my boo-boo!" So, I told him "When we get home I will call daddy on his cell phone and you can leave a voice message and then when daddy calls he can kiss your boo-boo through the phone." But he still cried all the way home. When we got home I called daddy like I promised and left a message for and then he stop crying after that. I guess it the satisfaction that deep down he know daddy would get his message and call him back which he did as some as the hubby got cell service. Called and wish them goodnight. Asked if that was Aiden on the voicemail, which it was, and to call me to say he loves and misses us. Which it was great to hear his voice. Sucks that I didn't go to bed early, I can't sleep really without him. I started doing things around the house picking up, cleaning, did a picture transfer on to canvas which turned out pretty good and started again on my plastic canvas projects. 

Pictures Of Us Taken Right Before We Had Drop Him Off!

This is the boys when they fell asleep tonight. I guess they didn't want to sleep in their beds....LOL.

Picture transfer to canvas.
The first full day of him being gone. Pest control came today, she sprayed the outside, the kitchen and bathroom but I don't know how good it will since I keep seeing spiders coming out of the wood works. I called the hubs to leave a voice message so he could hear it later since I know there was a chance that he wouldn't have cell service or was going to be to busy to answer is phone. Well, to my surprise he answered to phone. We talked for a little bit because he couldn't talk for long but it was great to hear his voice. He told me that they were working him pretty hard, builds character, thats just my thought. He been getting his quals done  that needs to be done, other than that his pretty tired all the time. We told each other that we love and miss each other. This is our First Deployment/Underway since we been together/married. Kids took it pretty well. I had the kids make him a video message and send it to him be text so he can save it to his phone so that way if he feels sad, lonely, and missing us he can replay them. Kids love doing this because they see themselves in the video and they make all kinds of funny face, especially Aiden he will set there and stick out his tongue and just laugh basically at himself but when I send it the hubs i hope he gets a good laugh out of it and as I do. Sometimes just thinking about him not being here, I feel like I lost my helper. He would help me with the chores, kids, everything but I have to learn to do this on my own, which sucks. A few of the things that kept me busy today was I transfer a picture to canvas just to see how it would turn all and it worked better then I thought. Also, did some plastic canvas Navy magnets.
Plastic Canvas Magnets.
I didn't do much except moped around the house all day. Besides moping I took care of the kids and did what we pretty much do a daily basis, I am just missing the hubs a lot that's all. Kids were pretty good being there normal selves. Maintenance guy came and worked on the dishwasher, it was off kilter and I kept getting white dry soap stuff on my dishes and didn't know where it was coming from. So, he brought over a dishwasher rinsing agent for the dishwasher, so I used it on the next wash and the white stuff was gone but also before using that I put vinegar in the dishwasher and that also seem to help, too. Worked on more plastic canvas pieces, watched our shows, did a little bit of house work, cried ever so often, but that's pretty much it and didn't leave the house. Bad day for me, he is on the brain. Talked to a good friend for about any hour. I wish he was here, but I have the strength to go on. So, i am going to look at this as One Day At A Time and count down the days until he returns. I just haven't been inspired really to do anything creative. Maybe in the days to come I will be able too. Been thinking about doing some care packages for him but I am stumped right now on what to send him. Kids did another video message to daddy of the today. My kids are just so funny when we does these, either one doesnt look at the screen, one makes faces, one you have to get him to say"I love & miss you, daddy.", "I wish you were here, daddy.", or one of them just cuts the video off completely. I just laugh when one of those happens. 

Pretty much did the same thing as I did yesterday. Only today was a little different, Aiden has a meltdown (some would say sensory overload), the power went out again do to us having a thunderstorm went out right before 4pm and didn't kick back on until before 9pm. Aiden was getting upset because the lights were not on in the house and keep saying there was a scary monster that's why whenever I would go outside to smoke he had to follow. When I told him to go back inside to play with IPad he would repeat "There's a scary monster, there's a scary monster inside!". Then, he started crying and asking for daddy and I told him that you can't talk to daddy because his is busy working on the boat and he just kept crying and saying "I want my daddy".So, I told him that I will call daddy and you can leave a message for him and he will call back when he all done. So, I called and to our surprise he picked up but couldn't talk long. So, I told the hubs he needed to talk to his son so that way he could calm him down. So, that's what the hubs did, he talk to Aiden so he would calm down and Aiden did. It made me so happy that he answered the phone. We told him that we loved and missed him like crazy and that we would see him when he got back home. Forgot to do a video message to daddy, but there was a good chance he would coming home tomorrow but it is still up in the air. 

 Woke up later then I wanted to. Waited on word if the hubs was coming home today or not. Well, guess what?, he is coming home today....SO Excited. I got a text message from him saying he is coming home, I cant wait to see him, kiss and hug him again. Had to wait around until he sent me a message to get ready to come pick him up because I didn't want to get there really early but at least the kids got a nap in before I got them up and ready to go. SO, waiting around was hard knowing he was back in homeport. So, I tried to keep myself busy with picking up the house and keeping the phone in my pocket just waiting for him to give me the word. Finally around 2:30pm I got word, so I ran up the stairs got myself ready and then the kids. Made sure I had everything before I left the house basic stuff like their sippy cups, purse, camera, and etc... So, about five minute before I was pulled into the parking to wait for him he calls me and says "Come pick me up". I said "No". He then tell me that "I will walk home". I told him "If I wasn't there in lets say 10 minutes, you will probably need to walk home". A little joke a played on him.  Even though I was already practically there. He saw us. I parked the car and I immediately got out and waited anxiously for him to arrive at the car. I gave him the biggest kiss and hug, I missed him so much. The kids were super excited especially Aiden (daddies boy). The hubs wanted to drive and I let him. He had to be back to the boat around 2pm tomorrow. So, not a lot of time but he spent every waking moment with us. Went to Wal-Mart for a few things that he needed and we needed. Went home he spent a lot of time with the kids even gave them a bath. Ordered Chinese food because it was what he wanted plus it was quick and easy. Spent the night holding and kissing each other, watched our shows together, went to bed a little early for me and a little later for him. So, happy that he came home. 

Woke up next to the hubby, curled up right next to him until the kids started cry to be let out of their rooms, I was so excited and sad at the same time because we both knew he had to go back to the ship today. When I got the kids out of their rooms they went straight to our room and started bouncing, kissing daddy trying to get him to get up out of bed. The hubs got up out of bed and made the kids brunch because we wanted to put them down for a nap early so that way we could spend a little time a lone together. He put the kids down for their naps. So, excited to spend a little time together before he had to go back. Weird part is that we didn't quarrel the whole time his was home. Well, when he was home everyday we would get into spats about the little and big things. It felt like it did when we first got together. Deployments/Underway it make you realize a lot of things, about how much he means to you, how much he helps out and all that good stuff. When I saw him on Thursday it felt like I fell in LOVE with my husband all over again. When 1pm hit, it hit me hard because I didn't want him to go, had to get the kids up from there parcel naps to get them ready to take the hubs back to the ship. Well, we had to leave, we all got in the car, had to hit NEX first because he found his DS so he needed a game. Then it was off to the ship for him. Well, we dropped him off, I cried because I didn't want to see him go and that I was going to miss him deeply. He gave the kids and I kisses and hugs and said that he would see us soon. It was hard on me seeing him go again the kids on the other hand, neither one of them cried but Aiden kept saying to Liam "Daddy will be home tomorrow."and I had to tell him that daddy wasn't coming back for several months. I don't think they fully understand other then that daddy has to go to work and then he gets to come home right after work, everyday. So, after we dropped him off, I took the kids home, had them do a video message to dad and then put them back down for their naps. I spent a good couple hours just sitting here missing him before I had to get the kids up and take them to the NEX to pick up our family pictures we had taken back in July. Got the kids up and headed to the NEX. We went inside and the whole time we were there they kept asking for a toy. They think that every time we go to the store they have to get a toy.  Picked up the pictures and did a little shopping while we were there. Then left to go home and, No, they didnt get a toy, they got a toy yesterday. Got home and back to the normal routine. Fed them dinner and then put them down for bedtime. I on the other hand started thinking about the hubby while I was picking up the bedroom and folded two loads a laundry. Then, I went to bed like I usually do but with him not sleeping next to me I have a hard time trying to fall a sleep.
Our Family Pictures

Woke up feeling all a lone because I just miss him so much. Got the kids up, made them breakfast, lets them watch Phineas and Ferb all morning long and through lunch time. Fed them lunch, but like normal they have to get up and get into everything and Aiden was jumping everywhere. That's when I realized Aiden has a new thing going he has been doing it for a few weeks now, jumping up and down on his tippie-toes, repeatedly. Put the kids down for there naps. Quite time for mommy, usually happy about quite time but this time, I just started think about the hubby. I didnt get much house work done, didnt feel up to it because I knew he is going to be gone longer then some 4 days of work ups. I emailed him asked if he wanted us to send him a care package but he has yet to reply. So, I am still waiting on that. I will get around to doing one here shortly in the upcoming weeks.

Well, toddles for now. 

P.S. Babe, if you are reading this, then I just want to say "We Love you and Miss you like CrAzY, so when you get a chance give us a call, email, text, whatever and we will be here when you get back. Have a safe trip there and back home, Love ya, Boo Boo!".

Monday, August 13, 2012

This Weeks Updates 2012-Week 32

Week 32 Updates

August 5-11, 2012

   Well, we canned meats the precious night and woke up this morning to check on how well they sealed, wash off the jars because they had grease built up on the outside of them, and then we stowed them away in our pantry. They all did seal which was great. Did a lot of laundry and clean up the house some. Plus, we unpacked a lot of boxes and filled up a lot of plastic totes and had the hubs take them to the storage shed and garage. But overall, fun filled day.

 After the hubs got off work we went to turn in Aiden's soccer application. So, he will be starting soccer this year. After that, we went to a thrift store to look for clothes for Aiden because he is growing so fast and he needed them if he started Pre-K this year. He no long fits in 4T jeans length wise, waist they fit him just fine. Well, there we found a lot of clothes for both boys and ourselves. Also, found a lot of plastic canvas stuff which I remember doing as a kid with my grandmother but I only grabbed a couple of bags and was unsure if the hubs was OK with me getting the rest. So, we got home tonight and he says, "Why didn't you grab the rest?" and at first I wanted to slap him silly for saying that. So, I said "Tomorrow I will get the rest." I Love plastic canvas.

   After, the hubs got off work we went out shopping again. We stopped by the thrift store again and I went in and pretty much bought ever single bag of the plastic canvas stuff I could find. The hubs has been talking about getting a bike and I want a serger. So, I told him that he can get the bike but I am going to get the serger. He wanted a bike, so, he can ride around with the kids with their bikes, plus, he wants to ride his bike for when he goes on deployments. Which is cool, plus, it saves him having to spend money on taxis, bus rides, or any other transportation that cost money. So, after I was done with the thrift store we headed over to Wal-Mart for some shopping and for him to get a bike.

   The hubs had duty, which sucks but its part of be in the navy, right...LOL. Had to wake up early because Aiden had his IEP (Individualized Education Program) appointment today. It Went. What we were trying to do was try and get him into special education but it failed in Washington state but we were SO hoping that here in Virginia he would get in. Well, they said that they want to observe him in a classroom. Since he hasn't started school before. Okay, sure why not! Sometimes it just irks me because I go in there and I feel like they are trying to tell me that they know my child better than I do, which they don't. Just because he wasn't sitting there hitting himself, flapping or anything else that ONE day. Then, they tried sit there and tell me that they think his is high-functioning/Aspergers, he is autistic (ASD). Just because his is a very intelligent little boy. Oh, and then, tells me that they think he will have problems when he gets older. What the Hell is that suppose to mean?!? With this new Tri-care stuff that change sometime at the beginning of this year, you have to have an IEP just for him to get services which is another crock a shit as well. Well, he can probably just get basic ABA but that's probably it, that's if he can get an ABA therapist who will come to the house more then one time a month or if any at all, had problems with previous ABA therapists. So, hoping, he gets into pre-k this year. We found out that he is #1 on the waiting list. So, we are keeping our fingers crossed. Went to the school to drop off copies for the long list stuff they need just to register your child. The kids (who I can't really take anywhere together) were running around in circles, going on waxed floor, potty every 5 second, trying to sit on a metal dog statue, and etc, while I was trying to fill out Aiden's school registration form. They were acting like wild kids....LOL. Came home and pretty much spent time the kids and made dinner peanut butter and jelly Aiden's favorite. He has to have it for lunch every day but today he want it for dinner. Worked on my blog. Got to talk to the hubby while he was on duty, I just LOVE getting those phones call just to hear his voice. Sucks for me because when his on duty, I get NO sleep. I just miss him so much and I don't like sleeping in our bed without him.

   Woke up late, because I always have a hard time sleeping in our bed without him. The hubby told me the night before that he was going to be getting off early, yeah, well if you have ever been in the military or married to someone in the military than you know that's not how it always works. Yeah well, he got home at the same time as a normal working day and he looked dog tried and if you know me I told him that he needs to spend as much time with the kids instead of going to take a nap because there is a deployment in our future. Plus, I said you can always go to bed early but did he no he stayed up 'til about 11pm then crawled into bed. Well, I also had a really really bad migraine that started when I woke up and just got worse until the kids were already in bed. Yes, I took my medicine but the one pill didn't work like it usually does. So, I ended up taking another pill and after some crying, water, and cold washcloth on the eyes it finally went away. So, really only spent about an hour with the hubs before he crawled into bed. Then, I was up for several hours after that. So, while I was upstairs lying in bed, the hubs was downstairs putting things away and straightening up the kitchen. When, I came down after my migraine had gone, I was like WOW, he did a great job even while I was calling every 5 seconds to get something for me. So, now the house is starting to come together and look like a real home. SO, excited!

   Woke up and did the usually daily stuff I do, like: 
  • either breakfast or brunch 
  • spent time with the kids watching something cartoon on Netflix
  • lunch
  • put them down for naptime/quite time
  • cleaned/unpacked/quite time for me/laundry 
  • wake them up
  • they run around/play/something
  • cook dinner
  • eat dinner 
  • movie time
  • bedtime for the kids 
  • then peace time for me,
  •  oh, then bed. 
Well the hubs had change of command today. So, he came walking in from work wearing his dress white, sexy (to me that is), but I really love him in his dress blues, Oh My God!...LOL. Told me about his day. Finished up my t-shirt board post  for my blog. Made Taco Salad with the canned hamburger I made on Saturday. After, I opened the two pint size jars and poured them into the pan, I tried it. To me, it tasted like Vienna sausage out of a can but when I cooked and mixed it with the taco seasoning it tasted like taco meat and it was SO good. 

   Got up early, well rolled out of bed around 10-10:30am. Got the kids ready because we were going to a Flea Market. Well ended up going to 5-6 Flea Markets because they either didn't look right or they looked like they were selling used stuff from there house that they had for centuries. Plus, some just gave us the creeps and we just drove right on by. Some were closed for the this weekend or they were just closed down. One the GPS tried to takes us down a road that was under construction and had a closed road sign and as we were trying to get the GPS to give us a different way it keep saying we needed to turn around when possible. So, we put in another GPS address for a different Flea Market and this last one was in doors. So, we went inside to check it out, they were kinda pricey on somethings and somethings not. Well the kids ended up the only ones getting anything. They walked out with 75 different hot wheels cars, yeah well, those cars ended up all over the back seat of the car. Well, going back to the first Flea Market we stopped at some guy was trying to sale us a 10LB bag of potatoes but it only had like 6-7 large potatoes in it. No, I didn't get them, I have potatoes at home, that i bought a 20LB bag for close to the same price they were selling it for. Went to Wal-Mart got the oil changed in the car and did a little shopping while we were waiting for the car to be done. Kids acting out like usually. Got the boys a haircut while we were at Wal-mart also. Had to stop be Food Lion and get some milk, bread, and picked up some pot pies for dinner. So, Around 8pm the power goes out right as we are putting the kids to bed. They start freaking out because it dark. Gave Aiden the only flashlight we have and told him to use his IPad to play games until he fell asleep and told him he can't watch his shows like he usually does he got a little upset about it but took it like a champ. Liam on the other hand, fighting tooth and nail just to keep him in bed. So, finally, the hubs gave Liam his IPhone just so he could watch his shows and he went right to sleep. So, we tried to go to bed early but I wasn't tried then he got a migraine and took his medicine and he was out like a light. The power came back on around 11pm. I was like, yeah, power because writing by candle light kinda sucks but it was nice to spend time with the hubby while the kids were sleeping and no electronics. Then I was off to bed.

Toddles, until next weeks updated post.

Friday, August 10, 2012

How To Make a T-Shirt Board....

How To Make A T-Shirt Board....

One Day, I went on YouTube and looked up on how to make a shirt board and all I could fine were just plain shirt boards. Than, I came across this video that  was so cool and she had used duct tape. So, I thought that's a great idea. So, I went out got all the supplies and this/these are....
My T-shirt Board(s):
 Here is the Link to the YouTube Video (she also shows you how to fold pants using the shirt board as well): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEAFFy_AGh8&feature=plcp

The materials you will need:

  • Foam Board (20 inch by 30 inch board)
  • X-Acto Knife (Optional: Razor blade or Box cutter either will work)
  • Duct Tape 
  • Ruler (Acrylic Ruler-Optional)
  • Pencil 
  • Cutting Mat 

NOTE: Duct tape- if you use the designed tape you will need 3 rolls to cover the board. If you use the plain you will need about 2 rolls to cover but if you want to design it then you will need more than 2 rolls but that will be up to you.
The Measurements:
Adult Folding Board:
  • 2 Long boards 20 inches by 9 inches 
  • 2 Short board  10 inches by 9 inches
Child's Folding Board:
  • 2 Long boards 16 inches by 9 inches
  • 2 Short boards 8 inches by 9 inches
NOTE: This is how I did my measurements; Adult Folding Board: 2 long boards 20inches by 10 inches and 2 short boards 10inches by 10 inches. Child's Folding Board: 2 long boards 15 inches by 6 inches and 2 short boards 7.5 inches by 6 inches. My kids are 4 and 2 years old so I don't really need that big of board. I cut the 20x30 inch board in half and made two kids boards. Plus, I use the small folding board to fold hubs' boxers and A-shirts (wife beaters) and they fold perfectly.
Now, you are going to take your middle board that you cut. Measure 10 inches long by 9 inches wide (child's 8 inches long by 9 inches wide), basically you are just cutting the board in half into two equal pieces.
First, you are going to need to get your Foam Board, Ruler, X-Acto knife, and pencil, measure it out to 20 inches long and 9 inches wide (child's 16 inches long and 9 inches wide). Use a pencil to draw a straight line to mark where you need to cut. 
Next, you want to cut your boards into 3 long equal pieces 20 inches by 9 inches (child's 16 inches by 9 inches).
This is what it should look like when you use your X-Acto knife to cut it.
This is what your  3 pieces look like all cut up.
This is what it should look like when you cut them. 
These are the are the 2-20 inches long by 9 inches wide and 2- 10 inches  long by 9 inches wide (child's 2-16 inches long by 9 inches wide and 2-8 inches long by 9 inches wide).
Now, you are going to take your Duct Tape, X-Acto knife,  and One of the Long boards and start taping your board.
What you are going to do is start taping the sides first  for a finished look. 
What you are going to do is tape it on one side (make sure you place the tape to were the tape and side are evened up), lay it down and take the X-Acto knife and cut your tape off but when you cut make sure you cut close to the foam board to get a nice even cut. So you don't have extra tape flapping on the sides.
This is how it should look and press the tape on the side of the board to secure it down.
Then, you fold over  the tape and smooth it out. Now, make sure you do this to the other side as well.
This is what it should look like when you have done both sides.
Now, what you going to do is take your tape put a little piece of it over on the one side and make sure you get the tape closest to the edge. Then, you want to lay the board flat, holding down the top, then pull on the tape to where it stitches all the way to the end. Then, you want to press and get all the bubbles out. After that, bring the tape around and do what you did on the one side to the other side and then once you get tape all the way around to the end, lay the board flat and get your X-Acto knife and cut the tape off, making a nice even cut.
This is what it looks like after you have taped it all the way around and cut the tape off. Now, repeat doing the whole board and overlap the tape to be more secure.
NOTE: Just in case you use it in the future and spill liquid on it, it won't damage the board.
This is what it should look like after you have taped the whole long board. Make sure when you get to the end of the board the tape edge should match the edge of the board on the final tape around.
Now, You take one of the short board and you repeat the process. What you did to the long board you will do it to the short boards as well.

 Repeating the process....

 Repeating the process....

 Repeating the process....

 Repeating the process....

This is what I mean about stitching out the tape across the board.
This is what it should look like when you have done both short boards.
Now, Repeat the same process you did with the other long board and cover the whole board.
Now some times you run into tape problems like I did where you thought the tape was wide enough to cover, well, all you have to do, is just do another tape around to cover up the gap or you can cut a piece of tape to the length of the gap and tape it down, it's up to you on how you want to do it.
  NOTE: Now you don't to tape the boards in the order I did. You can do them in any order just as long you have taped all four boards up.

This is what it looks like when you have taped all four of the boards.
 The Order That They Are Placed:
  • One long board on the left side
  • One short board at the top middle
  • One short board at the bottom middle
  • One long board on the right side
Now, you going to cut a four 10 inch strips of tape and two 9 inch strips of tape (child's four 8 inch strips of tape and two 9 inch strips of tape). What you going to do now is take the One long board on the left side and One short board at the top middle, lay the short board on top of the log board and make sure the top corners match up. Now, take one of the 10 inch strip (child's 8 inch strip of tape) of tape and tape it down on the short board.
NOTE: Now you don't have to cut the tape into strips, you could easily just place the tape on the short board making sure the edge of the tape is even with the edge of the board, pull down, and then cut the tape at the bottom where the edge is even with the bottom of the short board.
Then, you want to take and fold the tape down onto the long board to secure both the long and short boards together.
This is what it should look like after you have tape the boards together  on the outside.
Now, when you turn it over this is what it should look like when you have tape the back, this is the front view.
Now, you want to take second one 10 inch strip (child's one 8 inch strip) of tape and you want to make sure when you start putting the tape on to match the edge of the tape with the edge of the board, press to get the bubbles out and  securing both boards together.
This is what it should look like you have pressed and secured both sides with the tape.
Now, you want to take the Other long board from the right side and the boards you just tape together and repeat the same process.
NOTE: You don't have to put the short board on top of the long board, you can do it either way just as long as you have taped and secured the boards together.
See here is what it looks like when you have taped the one side of the short board.
This is what it should look like after you have used the third 10 inch strip (child's 8 inch strip) of tape and secured the two boards together.
This is what is should look like after you have taped and secured the tape on the back, this is the front view.
All most done, now you need to get the other short board.
Now, you want to place the short board on top of the other short board and line the bottom corners together .
Then, you want to take you one of the 9 inch strip (child's 9 inch strip) of tape and place it on the back side of the bottom short board and bring it around.
Now, what you want to do after you bring the tape up press down on the edge to give it a clean look.
Then, you want to press and secure the top of the tape down.
This is what it should look like when you have taped the two short boards together on the back and unfold the flap down.
Finally, you want to take the second 9 inch strip (child's 9 inch strip) of tape and tape down the front to give it nice, clean, and secure look. Make sure you match up the edges for a good clean cut look.

This is what the board should look like after you have taped it all together.
 How To Fold A T-Shirt Using Your Folding Board:

  • Adult 

Now the pictures that are below show how to fold an adult T-shirt but you can fold more than t-shirts with this folding board.
Place the T-shirt face down on the board with the collars aligned with the edges of the top of the board.
Now, if you have excess clothing hanging off of the board, just fold it up to where the edges align with the bottom of the board.
Then, starting from the right side fold the board over and it should look like this.
Do the same as the one above fold over but you will fold the left side over this time and it should look like this.
Then, take the bottom board where it flaps up and fold up and it should look like this.
This is what it should look like when have fold the bottom up and put the bottom board flap down.
After all said and done, flip shirt over and VOILA you have folded your first shirt. Now, continue to do this with the rest of your clothes.   
  • Child
Now the pictures that are below show how to fold a child's T-shirt but you can fold more than t-shirts with this folding board as well.
NOTE: You are going to fold the child's the same way as the adult clothes.

You are going to need the child's folding board and a T-shirt to start out with.
Unfold the board and place the child's shirt face down where the collar touches the top edge of the folding board.
Now, with the excess shirt fold over.
Take the right side and fold over.

This is what it should look like, after you have folded it over.

Take the left side and fold over.

Now, as you can see that there is a little extra piece of clothing hanging over to the other side, all you want to do is take the right side again and fold over.
Now, you want to take the right side of the board and fold over again.
This is what it should look like when you fold the extra piece of clothing that was hanging over.
Now, take the bottom flap and fold up.
Now, this is what it should look like when you flip it up.
Bring flap down. This is what it should look like when you bring the flap down.
VOILA!!! Another folded shirt...sorry the laundry sat for a day in the basket and it's just been really busy around here.
 Now, This is what I want you to do...Go Fold Some Laundry....LOL. I love my folding board. I really enjoy using this. Plus, it cuts folding time in like half, well for me it does and the kids love folding their clothes now especially my oldest, such a BIG helper. Well I hope you enjoy yours. Toddles.