To who it may concern:
Just to let you know I am SORRY its taking me forever to write anything, just been highly busy with cat problems, school, soccer and missing the hubby. So, as I am letting you all know, I am still writing up my weeks in my journal its just taking me FOREVER to type them up. Been going to bed early, So no time for anything not even me time. So please bare with me.
Welcome and Hope you enjoy reading about this CrAzY and wEiRd family and learn a few things as well.....=)
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Saturday, September 8, 2012
How To Transfer A Printed Picture To Canvas....
How To Transfer A Printed Picture To Canvas......
This is how I do my picture transfer and end hopes that you can do the same thing. This is a cool, neat and easy crafting project for any day of the week especially on those rainy days where you cant go out and enjoy the weather or those quite afternoon and/or evening at night when the kids are all tucked into bed and you have thing else to do.
So, lets get started....
The materials that you will need are:
- Cutting Mat (Optional)
- Printed Picture to fit canvas size
- Scissors
- Mod Podge
- Brush (foam brush is better but only had the paint brush at the time and it worked perfectly fine.)
- Canvas
- Cup of Water
- Fingers (I used a rag to wipe the paper off
- Drying Time
First, you are going to your computer and print out a picture to either the size you want or to the size of the canvas, you have on hand or gotten from the store
After you have printed out the picture of your choice and the size that you want, cut picture to the size of the canvas. |
Then take your brush and Mod Podge and dip the brush into the Mod Podge. Make sure you get a good amount on the brush because you do need to cover the whole Canvas. |
Start, by covering part of the canvas because the Mod Podge does kinda dry quickly. |
Now, take you picture and lay it on open making sure the corners match up and the picture is centered where you need it to be. |
Then, use a little more Mod Podge on the canvas, then smoothing it out and make sure the corners match up. |
Now, what you want to do is make sure that all the corners are matched up and you might have to put a little extra Mod Podge in the corners to make sure they stick and dry to the canvas. |
Now, After you have let it dry completely get a some water and towel. |
Now, dip the cloth in the water. |
Blot the picture to get it wet. |
Then, lightly rub the paper. |
Then, softly rub the paper off the canvas and try not to rub to hard, as you can tell in the one corner I rubbed a little to hard and some of picture came off. |
Now, you are going to need to get Mod Podge and brush. |
Dip brush into Mod Podge just enough to cover and not drip everywhere. |
Then, start brushing evenly over the picture. |
This is what it should look like when you have covered it over with Mod Podge. Let dry over night or whenever it is dry. |
Viola!!! This is my picture!! |
Thursday, September 6, 2012
This Weeks Updates 2012-Week 35
Week 35 Updates....
August 26-September 1
Note: I am sorry about the hold up on this weeks posting. Had a long weekend Skyping with the hubs. This week got a little bad but ended up be great in the end. I am already starting on Week 36, so, that way I don't get behind again.
Woke up like normal, got the kids up fed them breakfast. They watch some TV for a little while. Then it was off to their normal chasing, fighting and playing with each other. The hubs called to let me know that he woke up and was walking to the liberty center to chat with us. Fed them lunch and they watch BusyTown Mysteries. Called the appointment line to make an appointment for my left big toe. So, I have appointment Monday at 9:20am. Fed the kids lunch, then they went down for their naps/quite time. I spent the time running up and down the stairs because Liam was finding every excuse to get out of his room and take his nap. During their nap I cleaned up the house a little bit, normal housework stuff. Got the boys up from their naps and as usually Liam says "Mommy, i'm hungry!", me thinking he should have ate more of his lunch. Got the kids a snack and put BusyTown Mysteries for them to watch. The hubs called to let me know that he was ready to Skype with the boys. The boys were excited because they got to chat with daddy on Skype. I think they get more excited about Skyping with daddy because they get to wear my headphones when they talk to him. Plus, they get One on One time without other people making noise and distracting them from chatting with daddy. Fed them dinner they wanted Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich, which is there favorite, if they could eat it everyday they would. After, dinner put the kids down for bedtime. Which is a fight with them almost every night. But got to love them, they keep me busy and going. I may not exercise everyday but I run after them every minute of everyday, they are my workout...LOL. I finally got them down. I Skyped with the hubs a little longer, had to cut our chatting short do to him being tired and had to catch the bus back to barge because he had to work tomorrow. He chatted and texted me before he went to sleep. I miss him a lot. Had to take trash out of the house and cans to the curb for tomorrow pickup. I went to bed around 11pm because I know I have to get up balls early because I had my doctors appointment.
Aiden chatting with daddy on Skype. |
Liam chatting with daddy on Skype. Sorry this pic is side way I tried to fix it and uploaded this way. |
the door around
9:45am. Got the kids piled in the car and belted. I notice that this green SUV finally moved from the one spot we normally park the our truck, it took over a month waiting for the vehicle to move from that spot. Today of all days it finally moved. So, I got out jumped into our truck and started back the truck into that very parking spot. So, the day was starting out good so far. Finally, pulled out of the driveway and started heading down the road. I just remember that I was suppose to fill out the school physical paperwork, GPS says it will take us 30 minutes to get to the Clinic for Aiden's doctors appointment. So, I think I had time to fill out before we went in. Well, got to the Clinic a little after 10:30am had about 30 minutes left until I had to go in. So, I sat out in the car filling the paperwork out, while I had two kids in the back saying "I want out, Mommy, I want out!" repeating over and over again. So, as soon as I got done filling out the paperwork, we went inside. As soon as, I grabbed ahold of Aiden hand, so, I could walk the kids across the street to the Clinic, Aiden says "Mommy, you are tickling me, mommy!". I have never understood that, why when I hold on to him, he says it tickles him, I just don't get it. I guess its his new thing, like jumping in place and lining things up. Went to the Pediatrics in the Clinic, checked in and everything was going smoothly, so far. We arrived more then 15 minutes as we were suppose to. So, I sat filling more paperwork as I was doing that I was keeping an eye on my kids who were playing with the toys and jumping in and out of the toy box. They were acting like there normal selves when we were waiting for the doctor. I have learned one thing and that is even though Aiden is autistic is that people who don't deal with a special needs children tend to look and question why they do or act different then them. That is what I have learn after this doctors appointment because I have witness it myself when there was a father and son in the waiting room with my two kids and me, and Aiden was there flapping, jumping in one place and laughing loudly, like he has been doing for the last 6 months or so. Anyway, I don't know if they laughing and talking about me son or I just don't know. I have never experience this before. I wanted to cry so bad. But I don't know what they were really giggling at but I know that we were in the room only ones in the waiting room. SO, things like that you just have to let it go, unless you actually hear the word come out of there mouth, then there no need to say anything. So, anyways, we got in to see his doctor like over 30 minutes after his scheduled appointment. So, this is the start of things sliding down hill. Had to explain to the doctor that Aiden was diagnosed with autism back in April 2011. He acted like he didn't even read his medical record. Then I had to let him borrow my copy of the diagnoses, in which he tried to keep and then tells me at I can go online and get a copy through there. I was like, NO! I need that copy for all his therapy and other medical stuff. Plus, that is my copy that the hospital gave us after they diagnosed him. So, the appointment was for a school physical and his 4 year check up. The doctor gave a list of different places I had to go just so it could finish up his physical but first had to stop by medical records, I guess to give permission to for them to copy the records, I am not sure. Anyways, after there we went to Labs to get Aiden's blood drawn and he had to pee in a cup (I thought that was a little weird, a 4 year old having to pee in cup for physical, WOW). Then, we headed to Immunizations so Aiden could get his shots, he was a big boy, he cried a little but was better when the doctor gave him a lollipop, Liam got one, too. Then we went back to Pediatrics to go pick up the school physical paperwork. Then, a nurse came out to took us to a different office. I got to speak with an EFMP coordinator for the Clinic, he gave me some great information about getting Aiden back into ABA therapy through ECHO. So, The whole time in the Clinic my kids acted like crazy animals. They ran around like there heads were cut off. Now, I am punished them, but was I do. In today's society, if you spank/swat, yell, or whatever to your child out in public you get CPS called on you. But if you don't control your kids in public people automatically think you can't control your children. So, basically you are in a no win situation. Shit, if your kids look dirty, they get called. So, the question is what do you do? I feel like I tired everything and nothing worked, I brought their IPads, snacks, drinks and etc, but NOTHING worked. It got so bad that I couldn't stick around to get Aiden's medicine. I know this the last straw was when we were leaving to go to the car Aiden's pants fell to his knees and he knocked over this heavy and large bullet looking thing and that when I was so embarrassed and I started crying because I just couldn't take anymore. I finally got the kids in the car and was heading home. I cried all the way home. I can say this It was a VERY stressful day. Usually when the kids have appointments either one of us takes the child to the appointment or we all go but I guess I am just going to have to get use to the idea of doing all this on my own. Well, I put the kids to bed as soon as I got home for naptime. I needed to relax greatly. I called the hubs and told him everything that happened. I got the kids up from there naps, they got a snack and I put a show on for the boys. The hubs called to talk to the kids but they were there usually selves when talking to daddy on the phone. Made the kids dinner and they watched some more shows. Half the time I put a show they are up running around, chasing each other, or getting into stuff that they shouldn't. After they ate there dinner, it was time for me to put them to bed. Finally got the kids to bed. So, now time to pick up and clean a little before I hit the sack. The hubs called to chit-chat with me before he went off to bed. Then it was my turn for bed.
Picked this letters up from Micheal's for the boys' rooms. They have a spot on the back where it can hung easily. |
Woke up around 9:30am (which I have figured is the new normal for me). Got the kids up fed them breakfast watched SpongeBob SquarePants. They played a little, like they always do. Aiden and Liam like wrestling, chasing, and causing mayhem. My kids daily schedule... hahaha. Fed the kids lunch, usually PB&J sandwiches with vegetables and chips. I put another episode of SpongeBob, now, but like usually they get up less then half way through and I have noticed Liam isn't eating a lot of food lately, I know he snacks here and there, but that's normal and then some days he eats all three meals but that's normal for him. After they got done eating I put them down for there naps. The hubs called to let me know that he was getting off work and was going to catch the bus at 2pm. Okay, great love hearing from him. I started picking up the lunch dishes and also started to clean the living room. Went upstairs to start cleaning my bedroom. Then got a call from the hubs, he let me know that the buses weren't running at 2pm but the buses were suppose to so now he has to wait until 4pm for the next bus to arrive. So, after I got off the phone the hubs, I went back to doing what I was all way do, relax and clean. After I cleaned a little I wanted to start working on the kids care packages to there daddy. Got the kids up from there naps. Hubs finally make it to the liberty center. While I waited for the hubs to get ready for Skyping, I was still working on the hubs care packages. So, when he was ready I had to had to get my computer setup for Skyping as well. So, the kids got to Skype with there daddy, while I cooked dinner. After we got done eating I let them stay up for a bit playing around as usually. After they played for a bit, then it was time for bed. Laid the kids down. Liam playing his tricks on not wanting to go to sleep but I give him credit for trying. Finally, got him to lay down and go to sleep. I Skyped with the hubs a little longer. After, I went to bed.
Woke up normal time for me now is 9:30am. Got the kids up and fed them breakfast. Brian called to let me know that he was catching the early bus out. Let the kids watch SpongeBob, while they ate. They got as usually and started climbing, fighting, chasing, playing "I'm a scary monster.", and not listening, like usually. Boys will be boys, right. Brian called to let me know that when he was ready to go and was walking to the bus from the barge that he just missed the bus by a hear of a second and he had to walk back to the barge.I believe the bus he was trying to catch was the 12pm bus but don't quote me. So, now he has to wait for the 4pm bus. I laughed a little because there buses that they run from the barge to base, there schedule is all missed up, I kinda feel sorry for the sailors on that ship but its a little funny at times especially when the hubs called and he is all pissed about missing the bus or the bus never comes. So, the hubs had to call the hotel and let them know that we was not going to make the 3pm check-in time. Since, the hubs has a three day weekend with Monday being Labor Day, he got a hotel room for two nights. So, we can have some private Spyking time with each without other people around and maybe, just maybe we can Skype all night long. EXCITED. Made the kids PB&J for lunch, like I do everyday, unless we run out of bread, then is leftovers or I have to cook or heat something up for them. They watch another couple of episodes of SpongeBob. Then when they got done eating it was time for there naps. I got them laid down for there naps. Liam playing the same usually tricks on not wanting to go take him nap. Aiden does this sometimes, too, but not as bad as it use to be. I was having a relax day, except I had to clean up the kids mess from lunch then relax. Put a title to this post but that was it. The hubs called to let me know that he checked into the hotel and then let me know that two other guys he knows from the ship were going to crash there, too. A little disappointed but I got over it, which sucked, that meant no Skyping all night long....BOO. I got the kids up from there naps and the hubs got on Skype and started chatting with the boys and I. I was so excited, I got goosebumps from just seeing him on Skype, I love him so much, more than he will ever know. I let the boys talk to there dad one on one. Then, I got back on and chatted for a little longer. The hubs said he was going to the mini NEX to get some beer, but come to find out they closed at 5pm, which sucked for him. So, he decided to go the bar for a pitcher of beer. While, he was doing that I was letting the boys watch more SpongeBob because that's what they wanted to watch. Liam is so cute sometimes because if I am upstairs and lets say I just got them up from there naps and I was in my room doing something Liam would come in there and say "Mommy, I want to go downstairs!", I would say "So, go downstairs!", then Liam would say "No, mommy I want you to come downstairs with me!", he just cracks me up sometimes. While the kids were doing that I was getting there dinner ready. Once, I was done with there dinner, I told them that they needed to sit down and eat. After, they were done eating, watching TV, and playing it was bedtime. The hubs Skype to wish them goodnight and sing soft kitty to Aiden. Aiden has his cute moments as well, like Brian was trying to sing Soft Kitty to him, he points to the window and says "It not bedtime, it is still light out.". So, the hubs and I had to explain to Aiden that its bedtime and that the sun was going down, so it was going to be dark here shortly. So, finally Aiden let daddy sing him Soft Kitty. I just sat there laughing at what he just said. He a very smart kid but he takes thing literally. So, I got the kids ready for bed and then put into bed. Now, it is time for Skype time with the hubs. The hubs was talking about something called a Mosquito Bracelet (which I never heard of until he told me about it) and said he would like for me to send him some in the care package we are making up for him. He says the mosquitoes are out there where he is at. Okay I would look it up later. We chatted for a little bit longer until his crash buddies came back to the room and then he had to let them into the room because he has the only key.....hahaha, funny. He was getting ready to go to sleep because he had a long day at work Friday and didn't get a good night rest until tonight. Okay. So, I got off the Skype with him. While, I was smoking, I wanted to check out where I could find those bracelets that he was asking for and found out Wal-Mart carries them. So, I put them in my cart and continued looking at the online page, I remember something that I wanted to check the prices on, a FoodSaver, I found one at a good price and texted the hubs to tell him that I wanted that one and I can wait on the serger until later. I asked if he thought is was a good idea to get it right now or not. It had great views and since I can and dehydrate foods I need the FoodSaver to help make the dry food in jars last longer by sucking the air out of the jar. Plus, it will help keep whatever freezer foods we have last longer and it won't get freezer burnt. So, he said got it and Happy Anniversary. Our Anniversary is coming up in the next few weeks and it sucks that he won't be here to celebrate it with me.....BOO. After, he called to let me know that he loves and misses me and that he was going to bed. I stayed up a little longer doing the dishes and throwing the load of in the dryer. Then it is off to bed with me.
Well, toddles until next week updates.
P.S. Babe, if you are reading this, then I just want to say "We Love you and Miss you like CrAzY, so when you get a chance give us a call, email, text, whatever and we will be here when you get back. Have a safe trip there and back home, Love ya, Boo Boo!".
Well, toddles until next week updates.
P.S. Babe, if you are reading this, then I just want to say "We Love you and Miss you like CrAzY, so when you get a chance give us a call, email, text, whatever and we will be here when you get back. Have a safe trip there and back home, Love ya, Boo Boo!".
Monday, August 27, 2012
This Weeks Updates 2012-Week 34
Week 34 Updates....
August 19-25
4QT Jars of Jelly and 6 PT Jars of Peppers. White lid is the one that went in the fridge. |
This is my younger sister and this is her baby's towel. Front side |
Back side |
This is the towel I would like to make.
These are some up close pics of the hooded baby towel.
Tuesday:Well, woke up same time as yesterday, late, that's it I am going back on my insomnia pills because this not just effect me if effecting my kids as well. So, I have put my foot I am going to bed earlier after the hubs calls, text and/or Skype with me tonight. Well, today is a BAD day for me. Where do I begin? Oh, well, here what happened the kids got up ate brunch, then laid them down for there naps and after there naps, OMG, they were all over the place and getting into stuff that isn't theirs. They were jumping from couch to couch, Aiden kept jump from his table to the couch and then walking across it. It was like I punch them and they retaliate and get into more stuff. Some how they got a hold of the temperature thingy that tells me what the temp is inside and outside of the house, plus it shows you like what kinda clothes to wear for the temp, which is pretty cool. Yeah, that was in piece meaning the batteries where on the floor somewhere, the back was off and under the kitchen table, and the little metal piece that connects the batteries together was somewhere as well. Apron was on the kitchen floor, I could go on. Not a normal day in this house, that's for sure. Well, the hubs called and I let him talk to the kids while I start cooking there dinner. Mind you the hubs was talking to the kids when I told them that they were grounded from their IPads because they were destroying my house and they were running around the house with their heads cut off saying " Rrooooaaarrr, I am going to get you!", "There's a scary ghost!", or "I am a scary ghost!" at each other and then they would come up to me and try and hide while talking to daddy and me trying to cook. So, it was starting to annoy the hubs because every time he talks to the kids he can barely understand them because there is always some kind of noise in the back ground. So, I had to explain it to him that no matter what there is always going to be other noise in the background because I know when I am on the phone with other people and its when they are up, my kids are right there making all kinds a noise. Mind you, the hubs and I have been talking to each other almost all day on the phone, meaning here and there, because the hubs didn't bring his laptop with him and today was the first day he got liberty since arriving to his destination. Plus, he said it was raining so that's the reason he didn't bring it with him. Okay. Well, he also said he needed to go to the NEX for stuff he needed for his rack. Okay. Then he said he was going to the bar after the NEX to have a pitcher of beer with two other guys. Okay, not a problem, I understand, he needs to unwind for being stuck on a ship for a long period of time. Been there, done that. He also said that he was going to go to the liberty center to Skype with me and also to charge his phone. Okay, sounds great, right. Well, to make a long story short, I ended up calling him around 10:30pm because I wanted to go bed and I knew that he was a little more than tipsy. Even though he admitted to having more then a pitcher of beer with his buddies. He didn't even Skype with me or anything just called, but I wanted to see him and he was being an ass to me. I was talking calmly to him, I didn't raise my voice or anything, AND, he some how knew I was upset with him. So, I explained how I felt, I was hurt by how he just dumped me for his boys. I felt like I didn't matter to him, or that I was to UGLY for him to look at me on Skype. He was drinking and people do, do stupid shit, like forgetting to Skype with there wife. So, the conversation wasn't over but he needed to get to bed because he had to work in the morning. SO, we will see how tomorrow goes. Went to bed, hurt and upset. Plus, counter top people were coming tomorrow had to be up before 10am.
I actually woke up pretty early for me 9:30am. A lot better then yesterday. So, got the kids up fed them breakfast, let them watch The Busy World of Richard Scarry, which they love this show right now. I got a knock on the door a little after 10am, it was the counter top guy, he came all the way to my house just to tell me that they made a mistake and that my counters weren't ready, yet. So, he leaves and I close the door behind him and I just stand there thinking "Why didn't he just call, instead of driving all the way over here?". Well, it looks like I wasted my time cleaning off my counters and still cant use my kitchen table until the install the new counters, it would be a waste of time to put it all back and then have to turn around and clear it off again. So, I have no clue as when I going to get my counters, BOO. A thought came to me last night, that I am going to do a post on what I have learned through this first underway/deployment piece. I will make a list what I have learned and then at the end of this underway/deployment I will post it up, its not a do or don't because every branch of the military,underway/deployment, and commands are different, meaning some spouses are gone for a few weeks to a year. So, right now I am just taking notes. Well, I am still a little upset about last night because things had to end quickly instead of resolving the issue. Well, when the hubs got off work he actually went to the liberty center and finally got on Skype, this time he brought his computer. So, started Skpying and talking to the kids but they ready didn't know how to just sit there and talk to daddy. So, when it came time for my turn I didn't want to Skype with at that moment and ended up talking to him on the phone privately.The hubs still knew how I felt and he some how figured it out. That is how well my husband knows me. Its understandable that both spouses are stressed and lonely, but there is no need to take it out on each other. Its great to voice your opinions to each other. Once, we talked it out everything was back to normal. So, in the end we made up, I really can't stay being mad at him for along period of time. Plus, he has this way of making me smile every time I do get upset at him and that's one of the many reasons I love him. So, the night ended on a good note, the boys did a video message to daddy. I did my video messages to him and we were texting each other all night until he went to bed. I stayed up a little longer just to clean up a bit.
Woke up at like 9:45am this morning, I think the sleeping mask is a big help to me getting to sleep early. Well, I am slowly working my way to 7am. The hubs talked to me all day which made my day. Well, fed the kids breakfast, they watched a few episodes of The Busy World of Richard Scarry. They ate lunch and then down for there naps, just a normal day in this household. Well, until we had to get ready to go to Aiden's Parent and Coaching Soccer meeting tonight at 6pm-8pm. Then I had to head out to Walmart afterwards because we needed milk, bread, and a few other things that the kids cant live without. Well, I got the kids in the car and headed over to the Youth Center on Base, got the kids inside and that is when all HELL broke lose. They were all over the place. The coach final let us into the theater and we took our seat, I pulled out the IPads thinking that this would calm down, fat chance. I felt sorry for the people in front of us because they couldn't hear what he was saying but even if my kids were being loud, you still really could hear him. Liam had to set on my lap, Aiden had to jump from seat to seat keep saying it was tickling him and he keep make loud noises with him mouth on him arm and laughing really loudly. I tried to calm him down but he wasn't having it. Liam said he had to go to the bathroom and I was like hold on because I know that was code for I want to get up and run around. See when my youngest uses the bathroom in public I will take him but the second I sit him the toilet he says all done and he didn't even try. So, thank my lucky stars I told them we are going home and the lady in front of us said that she would take down the info for me and email it to me, I told her thank you for doing this for me. That was one less headache for me to deal with. Taking my kids out in public is asking for trouble...LOL. We were only in the meeting for 30 mins until I had to leave. So, I decided to since we got out of there early we had to stop be Walmart for the stuff I needed. Yeah well that didn't go to good either. We got one of those carts with the grey two setters and attached cart in the front, yeah well the kids were getting out of it, and they kept asking for a toys. I told them they haven't been good for a toy SO no toy today. Plus, I only wanted to go in and get what we need to then get home it was already pass the dinner time and bedtime by the time we got home. So, they ate a late dinner and then they talked to daddy on Skype. The weird part is Aiden kept saying he was tired, but wouldn't head to his room. Liam on the other hand said he was tired and when I went to bring up his chocolate milk he has every night, he was lying in bed with he IPad watch his show and just waiting for mommy to bring up his cup. Which was so great because the kids went down like angels. Me, I stayed up a little longer just to talk, text and Skype with the hubs. Then my ass was off to bed.
Well, woke up at 9:30am its still a working progress. Found out last night that Aidens first soccer practice is on the 4th of Sept and some games will start as early as 8 in the morning. He is on the Ireland team for 4 years old, First game on the 15th of Sept., pictures will be on the 29th and he has practice every Tuesday at 6pm. So, my schedule is starting to get busy busy busy. Talked to the hubby today, he told me on Tuesday he moved all his stuff to the Barge and that the ship is going into dry dock for the time that they are there. I need to find a good cleaning schedule because I am feeling overwhelmed with all the stuff that needs to be put in its home, one thing I dislike about the military is I have to uproot my whole house and then I have to reorganize it and I can never figure out how I want it until we have to move again. which sucks. Finish a couple of plastic canvas name plates for the hubs but I asked him what colors he wanted and he said he wanted black lettering and Navy blue background I told him really cant do dark on dark you wouldn't be able to see the letters. So, I did one like he asked and I did one with blue lettering and black background, which turn out perfectly, in my opinion. I asked him what he wanted in his care package from us. I know he can get most of the snacks there but I want to send him other things as well because they may not carry wheres his at. The hubs talked on the phone today because he didn't know what time he was getting off the ship since they just moved to dry dock today. He talked to the boys, but they have short attention spans. My left big toe was hurting today as well, I think I am getting an ingrown toenail, OUCH, it does hurt a lot. I have two kids who don't look where they are stepping and keep stepping on that toe. Talked to the hubs until he went to bed. I did a couple loads a laundry, two loads of dishes, started picking up the living room and clean up the kitchen a little bit. Then I was off to bed.
Woke up early, like 8:45am, see I am getting there. I thought I woke up the hubs with my text, nope, that turd was already awake. Got the kids up, fed them breakfast, they watched the same tv series from yesterday but different episodes. Liam really loves them, every time I turn the TV on Liam goes I want to watch that one mommy, as he is pointing at the show The Busy World of Richard Scarry. Everyday is and exciting day for me, I get to Skype with the hubs tonight one on one, without the kids, finally. The hubs went to the liberty center and stayed there all day, just to talk, text and Skype with us throughout the day. The kids had a better time Skpying with daddy today because they got to wear my headphones with also made it better for the hubs as well. They paid more attention to what daddy was saying with the headphones on. They even took turns. So, today started out as a great day and ended as a good day. So, the hubs wanted to get beck to the barge by catching the 10pm liberty bus, well, when him and some of the guys he works with arrived they waited until 15 minutes after 10pm and still no bus. So, thankful, one of the guys he works with know a friend in housing there and they all walked to his buddies house and the crashed there. The hubs was texting me all night, and we was been sociable as well because he was a guest in there house. Well, he got a little tipsy,again. And that worried me because I don't know them, the people house crashed at. so, yeah it worried me a little. It was like a bored Saturday for me, I already did some house work, the hubs was home, the kids were in bed sleeping, and I had already watched all of our shows that we watch together. SO, ya kinda bored. So, I didn't go to bed until 3 in the morning. So, ya it was a late night.
Well, toddles until next week updates.
P.S. Babe, if you are reading this, then I just want to say "We Love you and Miss you like CrAzY, so when you get a chance give us a call, email, text, whatever and we will be here when you get back. Have a safe trip there and back home, Love ya, Boo Boo!".
Woke up at like 9:45am this morning, I think the sleeping mask is a big help to me getting to sleep early. Well, I am slowly working my way to 7am. The hubs talked to me all day which made my day. Well, fed the kids breakfast, they watched a few episodes of The Busy World of Richard Scarry. They ate lunch and then down for there naps, just a normal day in this household. Well, until we had to get ready to go to Aiden's Parent and Coaching Soccer meeting tonight at 6pm-8pm. Then I had to head out to Walmart afterwards because we needed milk, bread, and a few other things that the kids cant live without. Well, I got the kids in the car and headed over to the Youth Center on Base, got the kids inside and that is when all HELL broke lose. They were all over the place. The coach final let us into the theater and we took our seat, I pulled out the IPads thinking that this would calm down, fat chance. I felt sorry for the people in front of us because they couldn't hear what he was saying but even if my kids were being loud, you still really could hear him. Liam had to set on my lap, Aiden had to jump from seat to seat keep saying it was tickling him and he keep make loud noises with him mouth on him arm and laughing really loudly. I tried to calm him down but he wasn't having it. Liam said he had to go to the bathroom and I was like hold on because I know that was code for I want to get up and run around. See when my youngest uses the bathroom in public I will take him but the second I sit him the toilet he says all done and he didn't even try. So, thank my lucky stars I told them we are going home and the lady in front of us said that she would take down the info for me and email it to me, I told her thank you for doing this for me. That was one less headache for me to deal with. Taking my kids out in public is asking for trouble...LOL. We were only in the meeting for 30 mins until I had to leave. So, I decided to since we got out of there early we had to stop be Walmart for the stuff I needed. Yeah well that didn't go to good either. We got one of those carts with the grey two setters and attached cart in the front, yeah well the kids were getting out of it, and they kept asking for a toys. I told them they haven't been good for a toy SO no toy today. Plus, I only wanted to go in and get what we need to then get home it was already pass the dinner time and bedtime by the time we got home. So, they ate a late dinner and then they talked to daddy on Skype. The weird part is Aiden kept saying he was tired, but wouldn't head to his room. Liam on the other hand said he was tired and when I went to bring up his chocolate milk he has every night, he was lying in bed with he IPad watch his show and just waiting for mommy to bring up his cup. Which was so great because the kids went down like angels. Me, I stayed up a little longer just to talk, text and Skype with the hubs. Then my ass was off to bed.
This is the first one I did. |
These our the other two. He likes the one at the bottom. |
Aiden talking to Daddy. |
Liam talking to Daddy. |
Well, toddles until next week updates.
P.S. Babe, if you are reading this, then I just want to say "We Love you and Miss you like CrAzY, so when you get a chance give us a call, email, text, whatever and we will be here when you get back. Have a safe trip there and back home, Love ya, Boo Boo!".
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
This Weeks Updates 2012-Week 33
Week 33 Updates....
August 12-18
Note: Just as a heads up....I will try and do more but here lately its been difficult, like I just don't want to do anything right now for reasons which will be pretty much explained in this weeks update. But I will try and do a little better, its just I have been a little down.
Pictures Of Us Taken Right Before We Had Drop Him Off!
This is the boys when they fell asleep tonight. I guess they didn't want to sleep in their beds....LOL.
Picture transfer to canvas. |
Plastic Canvas Magnets. |
Pretty much did the same thing as I did yesterday. Only today was a little different, Aiden has a meltdown (some would say sensory overload), the power went out again do to us having a thunderstorm went out right before 4pm and didn't kick back on until before 9pm. Aiden was getting upset because the lights were not on in the house and keep saying there was a scary monster that's why whenever I would go outside to smoke he had to follow. When I told him to go back inside to play with IPad he would repeat "There's a scary monster, there's a scary monster inside!". Then, he started crying and asking for daddy and I told him that you can't talk to daddy because his is busy working on the boat and he just kept crying and saying "I want my daddy".So, I told him that I will call daddy and you can leave a message for him and he will call back when he all done. So, I called and to our surprise he picked up but couldn't talk long. So, I told the hubs he needed to talk to his son so that way he could calm him down. So, that's what the hubs did, he talk to Aiden so he would calm down and Aiden did. It made me so happy that he answered the phone. We told him that we loved and missed him like crazy and that we would see him when he got back home. Forgot to do a video message to daddy, but there was a good chance he would coming home tomorrow but it is still up in the air.
Woke up later then I wanted to. Waited on word if the hubs was coming home today or not. Well, guess what?, he is coming home today....SO Excited. I got a text message from him saying he is coming home, I cant wait to see him, kiss and hug him again. Had to wait around until he sent me a message to get ready to come pick him up because I didn't want to get there really early but at least the kids got a nap in before I got them up and ready to go. SO, waiting around was hard knowing he was back in homeport. So, I tried to keep myself busy with picking up the house and keeping the phone in my pocket just waiting for him to give me the word. Finally around 2:30pm I got word, so I ran up the stairs got myself ready and then the kids. Made sure I had everything before I left the house basic stuff like their sippy cups, purse, camera, and etc... So, about five minute before I was pulled into the parking to wait for him he calls me and says "Come pick me up". I said "No". He then tell me that "I will walk home". I told him "If I wasn't there in lets say 10 minutes, you will probably need to walk home". A little joke a played on him. Even though I was already practically there. He saw us. I parked the car and I immediately got out and waited anxiously for him to arrive at the car. I gave him the biggest kiss and hug, I missed him so much. The kids were super excited especially Aiden (daddies boy). The hubs wanted to drive and I let him. He had to be back to the boat around 2pm tomorrow. So, not a lot of time but he spent every waking moment with us. Went to Wal-Mart for a few things that he needed and we needed. Went home he spent a lot of time with the kids even gave them a bath. Ordered Chinese food because it was what he wanted plus it was quick and easy. Spent the night holding and kissing each other, watched our shows together, went to bed a little early for me and a little later for him. So, happy that he came home.
Our Family Pictures
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Woke up feeling all a lone because I just miss him so much. Got the kids up, made them breakfast, lets them watch Phineas and Ferb all morning long and through lunch time. Fed them lunch, but like normal they have to get up and get into everything and Aiden was jumping everywhere. That's when I realized Aiden has a new thing going he has been doing it for a few weeks now, jumping up and down on his tippie-toes, repeatedly. Put the kids down for there naps. Quite time for mommy, usually happy about quite time but this time, I just started think about the hubby. I didnt get much house work done, didnt feel up to it because I knew he is going to be gone longer then some 4 days of work ups. I emailed him asked if he wanted us to send him a care package but he has yet to reply. So, I am still waiting on that. I will get around to doing one here shortly in the upcoming weeks.
Well, toddles for now.
P.S. Babe, if you are reading this, then I just want to say "We Love you and Miss you like CrAzY, so when you get a chance give us a call, email, text, whatever and we will be here when you get back. Have a safe trip there and back home, Love ya, Boo Boo!".
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